About the Project: Access UP
A.C.C.E.S.S UP (Active Cross-sectoral Cooperation for Educational and Social Success_UP) starts from what has already been done in the project ACCESS, which aimed at implementing new methodologies and strategies to tackle the school early leaving.
After the Covid-19 experience, even though sustaining new educational policies has become a priority for the European Commission, the phenomenon of early school leaving and drop-outs is still occurring, also evolving in different ways, such as the “in-school dropouts” that regard all the students who remain at school without reaching satisfying learning outcomes.
So the project’s objective is to intervene in a structural way on different levels of students’s life, starting from the “education triangle” composed of parents, teachers and students.
The objectives of this project are:
- Expanded participation of parents of at-risk students through the Home Visiting Playbook (R1) which will allow teachers to approach them into their daily life contexts and mobilize them;
- Improved student reading proficiency as a prevention tool against ESL through the Digital
Educational Game (R2); - Increased schools’ ability to intercept types of ESL and dynamically assess students’ risk based on
balancing risk and protective factors, with the WebApp (R3); - increased the culture of quality in territorial actions to tackle ESL, with the QA_ESL System